Workforce & Training

Firms operating out of Triangle North can tap a talent-base that spans career-ready high school graduates to Ph.D.-level scientists.


Workforce Development

Research universities like Duke, N.C. State and UNC Chapel Hill provide access to employees, technologies and faculty partners.

Vance-Granville Community College (VGCC) is a great source of trained workers and frequently collaborates with regional industries to ensure its graduates are well-prepared for the kinds of jobs they'll enter upon completion of coursework. Specific examples of these partnerships include BioWork, a first-of-its-kind life science workforce certification.

The region’s K-12 education leaders work with employers in re-shaping curricula around workforce needs, incorporating such programs as early-college high school, “STEM” education and Career Readiness Certificates.

Workforce Statistics

Average Weekly Wage (as of April, 2021)

Avg. Wage % of NC
North Carolina $860
Franklin County $868 83.7%
Granville County $763 88.7%
Vance County $630 73.3%
Warren County $595 69.2%

For more workforce data, please visit Workforce In Depth.

Commuting Patterns

Commute OUT Commute IN
Franklin County (6/21) 19,105 3,812
Granville County 15,851 8,961
Vance County 11,364 8,909
Warren County 8,528 1,497

Regional Labor Market

Labor Force Employed Individuals
Franklin County 31,631 29,832
Granville County 29,832 28,768
Vance County 16,519 15,322
Warren County 6,458 6,009